Building LLVM

Most, if not all, dependencies can be build by cargo except for LLVM. The Mun compiler makes heavy use of LLVM for all code-generation capabilities. Installing it, however, can be tricky. This document is a short guide on how to install LLVM on your machine so you can build Mun yourself.

Currently, Mun targets LLVM 14 so everything in this document refers to that version. However, these instructions should also hold for newer versions.

Prebuild binaries

On some OSes prebuild binaries are available.

NOTE: not all prebuild releases contain all libraries required by Mun. For instance, prebuild releases of LLVM for Windows are missing required executables and libraries.


For Windows, we maintain a repository which contains releases that can can be used to build Mun. These releases are also used on our CI runners.

To use a release, download and extract it to your machine. To make sure the build pipeline can find the binaries, add an environment variable called LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX that points to the folder where you extracted the release. It is also possible to add the bin folder of the release to your path but using the environment variables allows you to have multiple LLVM releases on your machine.

For LLVM 8 you should add the LLVM_SYS_80_PREFIX environment variable, for LLVM 14 add LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX.

Debian & Ubuntu

LLVM provides APT repositories for several versions of LLVM which contain all the required binaries required to build Mun. Visit the LLVM APT website to find the correct APT repository to use. To add the repository:

# Retrieve the archive signature wget -O - | apt-key add - # Add the repository # ${REPO_NAME} should be something like: # deb llvm-toolchain-focal-14 main # # The `add-apt-repository` command is installed by the `software-properties-common` package: # sudo apt install software-properties-common add-apt-repository "${REPO_NAME}"

Once you have the proper APT repository configured you can install the required LLVM binaries with:

apt install llvm-14 llvm-14-* liblld-14* libclang-common-14-dev


Brew contains a cask for LLVM that can be used to build Mun:

brew install llvm@14

After installing LLVM, you can either add the bin folder of the release to your path; or you can add a release-specific environment variable called LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX that points to the release:

export LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX=$(brew --prefix llvm@14)

Adding the LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX variable is usually easier because the LLVM binaries will not conflict with any preinstalled version of LLVM and it allows you to easily install another version of LLVM side-by-side.

For LLVM 8 you should add the LLVM_SYS_80_PREFIX environment variable, for LLVM 14 add LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX.

Building from source

If there are no prebuild packages available for your OS, your best bet is to install LLVM from source. The build time of LLVM is quite long so this is a relatively time-consuming process.

You need at least:

Download a dump of the LLVM repository from the LLVM github repository and extract it somewhere, e.g.:

wget -qO- \ | \ tar xzf -

Then build the required components and install them to ~/local.

cd llvm-project-llvmorg-14.0.1/llvm mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="lld;clang" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$HOME/local -DLLVM_ENABLE_LIBXML2=OFF make install -j

After LLVM is build, make sure to add the $HOME/local/bin to you path or add an environment variable LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX (or LLVM_SYS_140_PREFIX depending on the LLVM version you installed) that points to $HOME/local.